The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining us!

Yes, the journey begins . . Again!

Over the past 10 years we’ve had quite a few websites, each one an improvement on the last as technology has advanced: IndaloArt, IndaloMart, IndaloTalisman (Español), Good-Luck-Gifts . .

Well, this is the latest and hopefully it will be the most enduring because it incorporates the most advanced auto-updating technology and so, hopefully, we can just add things and let the machines do the rest 😉

Also, we now have a base in the UK which actually improves shipping rates and timescales from our SHOP which is advantageous to us all.

So we hope you like our latest edition to the Indalo Camino Good Luck Gifts group of websites. Please feel free to Contact Us with any comments.

Best wishes,

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thegoodluckgiftshop blog

Good company and good fortune on a journey make the way seem shorter – even more so with an Indalo Camino Good Luck Gift!
