JEWELLERY for SELF CONFIDENCE, belief and self-esteem

Confident lady with jewellery for self-confidence

Can wearing jewellery boost self-esteem and relieve anxiety, worry and stress?

Many people think so, yes, and in our SHOP you can find examples of Confidence Jewellery like Confidence Necklaces and Confidence Bracelets:

Confidence jewellery detail
Confidence jewellery gift card

How wearing jewellery can boost your confidence

Many items of jewellery are said to help reduce stress – think of worry beads as just one example; or the simple Rosary: Whether Catholic, Islamic, Buddhist, or Hindu, most are based on faith.

And this is the principal behind Confidence Jewellery . . imparting a belief that, with a little bit of faith, one’s wishes can come true – giving strength of purpose to everyday actions to achieve a goal.

Help someone combat adversity, hardship, misfortune and ill-health

The emphasis of our Jewellery for Confidence is to encourage positivity, optimism, achievement and success – but it can also be ideal to send as a gift to help friends and loved-ones combat any adversity, hardship, misfortune or ill-health in their lives.

Jewellery to give me confidence

The point about Confidence Jewellery is that its sole purpose it to boost self-esteem and give more confidence to the person wearing it . . a Confidence Bracelet for example, Confidence Earrings or Confidence Necklaces .

Of course there is a lot of jewellery based on faith, like the Christian Cross for example, or Angel charms, the Hamsa, the Caravaca Cross, and so on, but in our SHOP you will find Confidence Jewellery – mostly based on the Shell symbol: The shell has great significance in the Christian faith: The scallop shell in particular is the badge of Baptism, the symbol of The Way of St. James – and the shell’s close association with this Camino de Santiago has propelled it to be the symbol of pilgrimage too.

Confidence jewelry bracelet with shell
Confidence jewelery bracelet with Camino scallop shell

Give yourself confidence

A shell is also said to symbolise strength, commitment and determination along the journey of life; in this sense, it has special meaning to millions of people, and is commonly-used in jewellery to help individuals feel more secure and confident about themselves.

The sea shell in particular is known for its so-called protective qualities, stemming from its ability to provide a safe haven in the dangerous environment of the seas. It is this connection that also leads it to being a symbol of a strong will . . defiant and even stubborn – unmoved by the tides, the winds, and by the adverse currents of life.

Confidence and self-esteem jewellery

It is all these associations that has led the humble shell to be linked to the feeling of self-confidence, and this can be a great asset in the world in which we live, making people feel more happy about themselves, content about their resistance to stress, and their ability to overcome their worries. All this can improve someone’s performance, allowing them to be stronger against the adversities of life. Heightened self-confidence can also make people more adventurous – more willing to try out new things.

Much of our Jewellery for Confidence features the shell symbol

Confidence bracelets, necklaces and earrings with gemstones

In addition to the Shell as a symbol of self-belief and determination, some of our Jewellery for Confidence also features a gemstone – especially Aventurine, Citrine and Sodalite.

All these gems are known for their confidence-boosting properties – indeed, some say that gemstones like these can help people change the way they feel about themselves:

Sodalite is said enhance self-esteem and to be a calming gem for patience and endurance.

Citrine is known as the “Success Stone” – and is said to heighten confidence, creativity and stamina. It believed by some that Citrine helps to manifest goals, and attract abundance and prosperity.

Aventurine gemstone is said to help people cope with life’s stresses and strains: It is so well renowned for goal achievement, it is called The Gambler’s Stone. If a dream is worth pursuing, Aventurine is the stone to help.

Something to give me confidence

An elevated sense of confidence and self-worth comes from having a belief in yourself – and this self-belief and increased self-esteem can be enhanced by wearing Confidence Jewellery, being something to believe in . . and acting as a powerful aide memoir to one’s personal goals and wishes.

SEE Confidence Bracelets, Confidence Necklaces and Confidence Jewellery in general in our SHOP online.


Wellbeing jewellery necklace Get Well gift

Is there such a thing as jewellery for wellbeing?

We think so and we stock wellbeing jewellery in our SHOP online. But is it really feasible that wellbeing jewellery can improve mental health?

Wellbeing jewellery can improve mental health

Some say that wellbeing is in short supply at the moment. So we have curated a range of jewellery specifically to encourage wellbeing – both as a gift and for personal use.

But what IS wellbeing? And what is jewellery for wellbeing? And can it really help us in our daily lives?

Good living conditions such as housing and employment are fundamental to wellbeing – as are good social relationships. But in general, wellbeing encompasses a multitude of factors such as good health and prosperity, mental and physical energy/fitness, happiness, contentment, hopefulness, confidence, good self-esteem, positiveness, creativity, having a sense of purpose – and feeling strong, comfortable and in control. It also involves an element of having luck and good fortune, as well as feeling safe, protected and sheltered – along with sufficient wealth. It is also important to be emotionally and socially competent, to be innovative and open to new ideas, and to have positive relationships.

Overall, having favourable wellbeing is when you feel good about yourself and your life and your achievements, and have a good overall welfare physically, emotionally, socially, spiritually, and intellectually. You are satisfied with life.

A lot of the jewellery in our SHOP is intended to help with this, and to encourage better wellbeing.

But how does this work?

First let’s look at the definition of wellbeing

Many people have attempted to define well-being but perhaps the most encompassing “definition” is found on the website Namely, in modern parlance, Wellbeing is: HOW WE ARE DOING . . as individuals, and, more expansively, as communities, and as a nation.

So, if we can find something that makes us feel better in ourselves, we will presumably have better wellbeing. Our wellbeing jewellery is designed for that purpose.

It is worth bearing in mind however that here are different types of wellbeing . . namely mental wellbeing, physical wellbeing, economic wellbeing and emotional wellbeing. But in reality, these different forms of wellbeing are all closely related; and one way of understanding this is to look at how people are able to flourish, i.e. whether they have positive emotions, can function well in society, can respond to challenges and can have meaning in their lives.

In Martin Seligman’s book, “What Is Well-Being?” he suggests that the principal factors are: Having positive emotions; being active when possible; having good relationships with other people; and finding meaning in one’s life with a sense of accomplishment in the pursuit of goals.

From a more physical point of view, we also have to consider income, employment status and health (especially feeling well physically).

Conversely, psychological constituents that restrict wellbeing encompass feelings of loneliness, as well as anxiety and the loss of a sense of purpose – all major elements in mental health. (Note: Mental health and personal wellbeing are closely related – but nonetheless distinct. But people with poor mental health are much more likely to have a lower level of wellbeing.)

Another important factor (especially from our point of view as a shop selling gifts and jewellery for wellbeing), is something that helps people connect with other people, and the society around them. So relationships, friends and family, and the people we encounter in our day-to-day lives (like neighbours, for example) are vital in this respect – and especially people we can rely on and trust.

Giving a gift (especially a gift with meaning for wellbeing) is a great way to connect

But just as an act of connection is key to wellbeing, so is the act of participation, taking part in society, being active, taking notice of our surroundings, self-educating . . and being involved in occasional acts of giving!

Wearing a piece of wellbeing jewellery personally can help us be more aware of the things that affect us on a day-to-day basis – or the things that help us participate in modern life: The jewellery can act as a constant reminder of our own goals and desires.

To feel well, we need a mixture of things that bring us pleasure and purpose. Feeling isolated and lonely can be very damaging to wellbeing. Whereas, for example, simple exercise, such as running can make people feel happy . . but not everyone. Wellbeing is indeed a personal thing . . but with inter-linking components.

In summary, we believe that if you want to help someone to improve their wellbeing (or your own), the following is advisable:

  • Desirable goals (to bring meaning or purpose to life through the pursuit of success or accomplishment)
  • Positive emotions
  • Engagement and involvement in activities (especially those taking place in the presence of other people)
  • Meaningful relationships

And, if you offer someone a gift that says Be Well, Take Care, Stay Safe, and so on, you can pass on your desire for their wellbeing and offer your support or affection to a special person in your life.

Wellbeing jewellery is for caring, sharing and inspiring . . making a gift that can be used to offer your encouragement, your appreciation – even your help; a gift that can pass on a general feel-good factor. What’s more, the gifting process itself is an act that can boost your own personal wellbeing.

A gift for wellbeing conveys your wishes of wellbeing and helps friends and loved-ones be more aware of the things that affect their wellness on a day-to-day basis (including friendships). It can act as a constant reminder of goals and desires (and a reminder of who gave it to them).

Larimar said to boost mood

See our SHOP to buy gifts to wish good health wellness


Girl with Wellness necklace gift

Wellness Gifts: A wellness necklace or bracelet is a gift for good health and part of our latest Jewellery for Good Health range

We have new products: See our SHOP for the latest WELLNESS GIFTS and health protector gifts

Model with Wellness gift necklace

Brain fog? Lacking in energy? Stressed at work? Welcome to the concept of feeling good again and welcome to peace of mind with some of our latest wellness gifts.

Feel good gifts

As we get older, our health becomes more fragile in terms of our general well-being. So we need to be more aware of the things that affect our wellness – or things that make us feel good (or unwell) on a day-to-day basis.

Wellness jewellery such as this is crucial in this respect – making a perfect gift to pass on wishes of good health . . and protection from some of the causes of ill-health and debility.

It is a constant reminder of good health goals and desires. It doesn’t make you more healthy per se . . it merely expresses a DESIRE to be healthy – a “representation” of good health practices and concepts and, as such, a powerful aide-memoire to adhere to the principles of a healthy lifestyle wherever possible.

Wellness Stay Well gift card

Studies have shown that symbolic tokens and keepsakes can boost people’s awareness, with many admitting there’s power in a thought made positive by a meaningful charm – being a constant reminder of purpose and desires.

Jewellery gifts for stress relief and anxiety

Jewellery for wellness and health like our wellness necklaces and bracelets are hugely popular at the moment – as both gifts, and for personal use. Many see them as a health protector . . something to ward off sickness and ill-health. In reality, they are more like ‘tokens’ of good health – not a prescriptive solution to illness but rather an aide memoire to strive for a better, more healthy lifestyle.

This principle relies on faith (or belief) – whether that be actual religious faith (as is the case with a necklace bearing a Christian symbol like the Cross, for example), or a more spiritual belief relating to other common health symbols such as the Lotus Flower, Yin-Yang, Hamsa or Indalo figure. All these symbols are centuries old, and millions of people around the world put faith in them for protection on a daily basis. When the protection sought is against ill-health, they can become a “health protector” and, if gifted can pass on wishes of well-being and good health.

Stay well gifts

Take a look at this Wellness Necklace featuring the Indalo symbol for protection, good fortune and well-being: The Indalo is a well-known symbol of protection, wellness and good luck and is said to create a positive attitude to health, and to help achieve the goal of overall wellness.The Indalo Man posture, with arms extended, is said to unify the body, mind and spirit in harmony with nature, internalising goals for good health, and promoting overall wellness. It is said to create a balance in life.

Not only could the Indalo help make you (or a friend) feel more healthy by giving you a positive attitude to healing, but it could also help maintain a certain wellness and good health by offering its attributes as one of the great symbols of protection.

You can wish your friends or loved-ones well by sending them a meaningful present to promote general health and wellness. Even a small inspirational token can really make a difference. It would be a lovely little gift to show that you care about their health, prosperity and well-being.

Protection jewellery

You can also see symbolic wellness necklaces in our SHOP based on Christian health gifts and faith charm jewelry, and Christian symbols for healing and wellbeing . . all founded on various talismans and amulets for healing and protection. The power of the mind to influence the body is well-known and many religious people believe that faith in their God can help heal them and others.

We have a great selection of health and wellness necklaces and bracelets as presents in our SHOP that might be suitable as a gift for health protection.

Join the journey to good health with one of our HEALTH and WELLNESS GIFTS 🙂

20 best GIFTS for WELLNESS and to say GET WELL SOON

Wellness symbols are important

Welcome to feeling great again . . with wellness symbol gifts to help people to get well soon, or just to make someone feel better and more healthy

Wellness symbol gifts are popular at the moment because of the world health or medical care crisis. But what type of present makes the best wellness gift for wellbeing to make someone like me feel better, healthier and well – or as a gift to a friend to say Get Well Soon?

Help people Get Well Soon
Help people get well soon with a gift for wellness

SEE examples of Gifts to wish Good Health and Wellness in our SHOP

Here is a list of 20 of our best gifts for Wellness to say Get Well Soon and/or Be Healthy and Well:

  • 1) Leather bracelet for Wellness: A unique piece of jewellery said to offer protection and wellbeing: Wellness symbols are common in Get Well Soon gifts and this bracelet features the Indalo symbol of wellness and protection – one of the best gifts for wellness. It could be the perfect gift to wish someone protection and good health. Encourage friends and loved ones to be lucky and healthy by sending them this meaningful present: A constant reminder to live life to the full, but conscious of healthy living and wellness.
Indalo bracelets for wellness
Indalo bracelet
  • 2) Indalo Man necklace for wellness and luck: Another Indalo-based product: The Indalo has long been a symbol of protection from all things bad – including things that affect a person’s health and prosperity. So help friends and loved-ones have good luck and wellbeing with this magical lucky charm protection necklace.
Indalo Man for wellness and luck
Another Indalo-based wellness gift

But what are health and wellness symbols?

There are a number of wellness symbols from various cultures around the world. Some are rooted in history, others relate to culture, religion and beliefs.

The Christian faith is a good example of this with faith charms like the Latin Cross being relied on many people to help protect them from adversity (and bad health):

  • 3) Circle of light cross necklace to say Take Care: A gift for protection which would be an ideal gift to say Take Care and Be Safe because it is a symbol of faith. Indeed, the Christian cross faith charm is well-known as a wellness symbol, from a faith point of view. This one is encircled in sparkling crystals and so makes a lovely gift to pass on your sentiments of concern to your friends and loved-ones – especially those about to embark on something new, challenging or risky, or those who are suffering from sickness or ill health at the moment. With the presence of the Christian cross inside the circle, and the religious faith that it might represent, this faith charm can act as a reminder to be careful and to pass on your message to Take Care. So this necklace would make an ideal gift to make someone feel better and a wonderful gift for wellness to give to a friend / colleague / loved-one – especially one with Christian beliefs who is perhaps having to go into hospital for an operation, or just feeling a bit under the weather at the moment.
Cross necklace to say Take Care

What wellness symbol is the best?

We have looked all over the world for the best wellness symbol – and few come close to that of the Indalo figure. For example:

– The Lotus flower: In reality this is a symbol of enlightenment, of Buddhism, of reincarnation and re-birth.
– The Hamsa Hand of Fatima is definitely a symbol of protection although it tends to be centred around the beliefs of Middle East cultures.
– Yin-Yang: Rooted in Chinese philosophy, this tends to reflect balance in life overall.
– The Tree of Life shows that each of us is part of something bigger, and is a symbol of unity which concerns development, growth and connection rather than wellness.

When one considers all the above, it is plain to see why the Indalo is considered one of the best symbols of Wellness:

  • 4) Indalo Man necklace for health and wellbeing – steel: This would make a unique gift to inspire good fortune and wellness. The Indalo is known for its qualities of protection from all things that affect a person’s health and prosperity. So with this necklace, you can inspire your friends and family to be healthy and well. This is especially true in these difficult times with more people than normal ending up in hospital where patients are probably feeling a bit lonely. So with this gift you can ensure they know that you are there for them: It makes an ideal present to wish protection and wellbeing.
Indalo Man for health and wellbeing
  • 5) Wellness bracelet: A gift of jewellery to wish luck and good health, helping someone feel good (or better about themselves if they are feeling ill, sick or under the weather). It features the Indalo which is considered a special good luck charm to bring prosperity and good health so perhaps you can help your friends or loved-ones feel better and well by sending them this meaningful present – a gift for wellness. Do you know someone who needs to feel a bit more healthy at the moment? Show them you care with this vibrant leather bracelet . . it makes a thoughtful gift for someone with any form of sickness or illness.
Wellness bracelet ft Indalo

Gift to help someone feel good or better

  • 6) Health-shield necklace with shell: You could gift this Health-Shield necklace to inspire your friends and loved-ones to live more healthily each day: It makes a powerful gift of faith as a wellness symbol to say Stay Healthy and so it is an ideal way to wish someone good health and perhaps help them feel better about themselves.
Health shield gift

So what is a good wellness gift?

Once again, we return to the Indalo:

  • 7) Indalo stud earrings ~ silver with zirconita for wellness: These delightful little sterling-silver-and-zirconium stud earrings make an ideal gift for wellness: They feature the Indalo symbol of protection, good fortune and wellness – enabling you to pass on the spirit of luck and good health to the person you are trying to comfort.
Indalos earrings for wellness

Gifts to make someone feel better?

Encourage your friends and loved-ones to be confident, lucky and well.

Give them something which combines features of protection and good fortune:

  • 8)) Indalo earrings ~ a jewellery gift for luck, protection + health: This would be an ideal gift for someone travelling, starting something new, or facing a challenge (even retiring), to help make them feel more positive. With the accompanying information card (optionally available with all our gifts) it is an easy way to show someone that you really care about their wellbeing.
Indalo earrings for health and protection
  • 9) Cross necklace to say Take Care: This would make a lovely gift of faith for someone with Catholic / Christian beliefs . . sent with love, offering protection and wellbeing and making sure that someone knows you are there for them in their time of need or worry. The heart and cross combination makes it a truly meaningful way to pass on your sentiments of concern to your friends and loved-ones – especially those about to embark on something new or challenging, or to those who are possibly feeling a bit unwell at the moment. The combination of the heart with the Christian cross, and the religious faith that it represents, can act as a Get Well Soon present for someone who is not feeling great at the moment, or perhaps having to go to the Doctors – or Hospital for an operation.
Take Care with this Cross necklace

And something to make ME feel better . . personally?

  • 10) Angel wings + heart necklace for protection: A Guardian Angel is said to help watch over people, and give them a feeling of protection and wellness. So this could be perfect for someone with an illness and to help make people feel better. The caring Angel Wings signify protection and safekeeping: The tiny enclosed heart is an added bonus delineating love; and so this is also a great way to pass on your feelings of concern and well-being to a friend or loved-one.
Angel wings for protection

How can I feel better personally?

  • 11 Christian cross in circle necklace for care and guidance: For Christian believers, the cross is said to pass on confidence and wellness – offering both protection and wellbeing: And this one features a tiny cut-out heart in the circle for love. The combination of a heart with the Christian cross in this necklace, and the religious faith that it represents, means that it could be a source of comfort for someone who is unwell at the moment: The heart and cross combination also makes an ideal present too – a gift of faith to pass on your sentiments of concern to your friends and loved-ones – especially those who are feeling a bit grotty or unwell. It is the ideal gift of faith . . sent with love, offering protection and wellbeing, making sure that the recipient knows you are there for them and caring about them.
Christian cross in circle necklace for care and guidance

Gift to wish someone well

  • 12) Indalo wellness bracelet, leather: This bracelet is said to offer protection, wellness and good fortune – particularly for someone who is not feeling themselves at the moment, lacking in positiveness, or unwell. Do you know someone who needs to feel a bit more positive and healthy at the moment? Show them you care with this special leather bracelet.
Leather Indalo wellness bracelet
  • 13) Shamballa bracelet of Indian agate for wellness: In these strange times when we can’t even see our sick friends and family, a gift is a special way to show them that they are in your thoughts. And this meaningful present (being a combination of protection and wellness symbols) would be an ideal gift for wellness, implying tranquility, inner strength and protection: Shamballa is said to impart peace and calm when someone is facing new challenges, and maybe shield them from stress (and the illness this can cause).
Indalo and Shamballa for wellness
  • 14) Indalo Man earrings ~ gold-filled, dancing for health: Gift the spirit of good luck and wellness with these delightful gold-filled earrings which feature the Indalo – a symbol of protection and good fortune, and an ideal Get Well Soon present. People in hospital or even unwell at home can feel pretty lonely: These earrings would make a lovely gift to show them that they are not alone and that you are thinking about them – and that you care about their wellbeing, so they can feel as comfortable as possible during their recovery.
Indalo Man earrings for health protection

A Get Well Soon gift with meaning

  • 15) Lourdes water jewellery ~ shark’s tooth necklace: This necklace would make an ideal gift for hope and faith and a great gift for wellness. The small pendant contains water from Lourdes – said to heal the body and soul and help with people’s health and wellbeing. This could be perfect for someone who is feeling sick or under the weather at the moment . . or perhaps just a bit down after bad news from the doctor. Many believe that Lourdes water imparts a feeling of wholeness and calmness – especially in bad times of illness and despair. And with this necklace, you could help share this belief with the people you are close to, wishing them to overcome their medical problems and get well soon: A great gift to wish someone well.
Lourdes water necklace
  • 16) Lucky Jade necklace for wellness: This is a wellness gift with a difference, combining the protective wellness symbol of the Indalo with the supposed energy-giving qualities of Jade to make a lovely Get Well gift. Jade is well-known in the East as the gemstone of “eternity, longevity, and energy”. Jade is said to increase body strength and was worshiped in times gone by for its life-extending powers. This would make the perfect present to encourage health and good fortune: A gift for wellness; a gift of love; and a gift to say Get Well Soon.
Indalo with Jade for Wellness
  • 17) Indalo mojo ~ silver Indalo pendant, for protection + health: When you are unwell and/or recovering at home it can be stressful. So this charming pendant for luck and protection would make a welcome present to say I’m thinking of you and Take Care . . a unique gift to make someone feel better. It is the ideal present for any special event or occasion, or to show someone you are thinking about them and their wellness.
Indalo pendant for protection and health

Gifts of caring for people who are unwell, not themselves, tired, lethargic and lacking in energy at the moment

Carnelian jewellery set
  • 19) Sodalite bracelet with gold-filled Indalo for wellness: This unique item of jewelry is said to instil feelings of calm . . and good health. Do you know someone who could do with a more calm and tranquil approach to life’s current challenges, and some better health and good fortune? Give them your support with this beautiful Sodalite and Indalo bracelet and perhaps help them feel more happy and content.
Sodalite and Indalo for wellness
  • 20) Our final recommendation is one of common observation: Symbols of protection have been used to promise wellness and good health for centuries – from those of the Native Indian tribes of North America to the Ancient Greeks; from the Middle Eastern and Egyptian priests to the revered healers of Europe: And, over the years, many of these symbols have evolved into wellness symbols which are said to have powers to help heal sick people. But one mustn’t forget the so-called Placebo Effect which has a strong influence on wellness. However, isn’t the Placebo Effect just another manifestation of the principle of faith upon which these wellness symbols rely . . whatever religion or spiritual beliefs someone may have?

SEE examples of Gifts to wish Good Health and Wellness in our SHOP

GIFTS for people who MISS TRAVELLING or planning Camino trip

People miss travelling

Here are 15 gifts for people who hope to travel, especially someone planning a Camino trip or other journey they want to go on

Do you want to travel on a trip, adventure or holiday? Are you (or people you know) stuck at home and missing travelling?

See our SHOP for a selection of travel gifts to keep the dream alive and inspire someone’s next journey, or to find a gift for someone planning a Camino trip, or for people who miss travelling in general.

Bracelet gifts for people who love travel

Travelling has become difficult, if not impossible for many people. So we have selected some gifts for someone who wants to travel – but can’t. Because they are unable to take a trip, travel lovers might appreciate a small present to help ease their travel withdrawal symptoms and give them faith that their adventure or journey could still occur . . a small gift to help them achieve their travel goals. This could be spiritual or religious jewellery, for example, or simply a little present to express what you feel and to wish them safe travels in the future.

Travel gifts are particularly poignant at the moment – especially for people who yearn to do the Camino de Santiago in Spain but have been restrained by all the international lockdown restrictions that have made their dream journey fade away.

Without doubt, traveling will be a bit different (or non-existent) for the foreseeable future because of the pandemic but that doesn’t mean that you or your friends / loved-ones should lose sight of dreams and the travel wanderlust.

Gifts for travelers stuck at home: Wish them luck!

We have selected 15 of the best gifts for people who miss travelling and yet still hope to travel in the future (soon!) even though they are unable to travel at the moment. Wish them luck! so they can maintain their hopes of travelling – along with a little travel memento to help ease their travel withdrawal symptoms:

If you haven’t travelled anywhere at all this year, you will obviously be missing the joy and adventure of travel. But it seems that all we can do is reminisce about memorable trips of the past and continue to make plans for future travel if (and when) we are allowed 😉

Camino inspired gifts for fans of Camino

A little travel gift, if carefully chosen, can pass on your message of condolences for lack of travel – as well as hope to a friend or loved-one for future journeys and adventures. Here are a few Camino gifts for fans of El Camino . . The Way of Saint James:

Gifts for people who miss travelling

Whilst gifting someone something that they can use on their next getaway might be a bit brash at the moment, we recommend sending them something that reminds them of a trip from the past, and which will give them the confidence to believe it will happen again. For example:

Vaccinations / certificates / passports

So you can see that, for a friend or family member who is missing their travel injection to cure their travel bug, we have assembled a range of gifts that are aimed at perpetuating the travel dream for those people who miss travelling:

Finally however, it should be noted that in present times, a Vaccine Certificate might be the best gift of all – but sadly, we don’t sell those 😉